Current Issue

Connections vol. 22, no. 2, Spring 2023 Ukraine's Existential War: Dimensions of a Global Conflict

This third special issue of Connections: The Quarterly Journal, dedicated to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, expands the understanding of the roots and where Russia’s aggression is headed. Kremlinism is presented as an attack on civilization, deeply rooted in fascist ideology, where hybrid attacks and information-psychological operations are used to advance the geopolitical goal of establishing the Russkiy Mir. The issue examines how the current rules-based legal order is positioned in such a manner that it actually abets Russia’s impunity, including ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity, and calls for the creation of a special tribunal. The role of women in the realm of war, victimhood, and peacemaking is analyzed through the lens of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security, which advocates for the meaningful inclusion of women in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. The fate of Belarus, as a state and nation, usurped by Russia’s expansion­ary policies, is examined, with a critique of poor Western policies toward it. Russia’s cyber aggression against Europe and Europe’s reactionary stance are discussed in detail. Additionally, the impact of the war on global food security, particularly through changes in fertilizer prices crucial to food production, is analyzed. The final article takes a deep look at the ur­gent need for modernizing Ukraine’s personnel management system within the armed forces.

Editors: Philipp Fluri and Lada Roslycky